A Novel Classification Model Based on Hybrid K-Means and Neural Network for Classification Problems

Cui Chenghu, Arit Thammano


We propose a new classification model—a new classification model for clustering overlapping problems based on K-Means and neural networks. K-means clustering algorithm belongs to unsupervised learning. It is a classic algorithm for solving clustering problems. Since this algorithm calculates its categories based on distance, the results tend to converge to the local optimal solution and have poor boundary clustering properties. The K-Means classification algorithm defines clusters by the distance between the cluster center value and the target object, and the optimal result is obtained through continuous iteration. Therefore, clustering results are overlapped, and there are often outliers that do not belong to the current cluster, resulting in unsatisfactory clustering results. Our model offers a new method to segment non-ideal data in overlapping regions. Since clustering algorithms cannot effectively identify and classify this part of the data, we split this part of the data and train it using a neural network. The results are then integrated into the clustered data. In the experiment, the k-fold cross-validation method ensures the model stability of the results. We used the accuracy to evaluate the quality of the model, and we used standard deviation and mean deviation to detect clustering results. Five sets of experimental data from the cross-experiment show that compared with the K-Means classification model, the accuracy of our model is effectively improved.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-03-012

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Overlapping Clustering; K-Means Classification; Neural Network; Machine Learning.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-03-012


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